quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2020


 World Suicide Prevention Day - Irish In Britain

  1. Gender Suicide Gap: Suicide kills 3 times more men than women
  2. Mental Health: Most women who die by suicide have a mental health diagnosis, most men who die by suicide do not have a mental health diagnosis. Approaches that focus on mental health may be more likely to reach women at risk.
  3. Situational Factors: Male suicide is more likely to be linked to situational factors such as relationship issues, work-related distress and financial issues. Approaches that focus on situational risks may be more likely to reach men at risk.
  4. First Attempters: Most men who die by suicide do so at the first known attempt, most women do not. Programs focused on those who’ve made previous suicide attempts are more likely to reach women at risk.
  5. Male Distress: research suggests that men may experience, express and cope with distress in different ways to women and that services need to adapt and respond to these differences.

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