quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018


Obesity, diet and physical inactivity are risk factors for some cancers. 

Overweight- and obesity-related cancers accounted for 40% of all cancers diagnosed in 2014, and varied substantially across demographic groups. Endometrial, ovarian, and postmenopausal female breast cancers accounted for 42% of new cases of overweight-and obesity-related cancers in 2014, which is reflected in the higher overall incidence of overweight- and obesity-related cancers among females. For cancers that occurred among both males and females, however, the incidence of most cancers was higher in males.

Cancer control efforts include environmental changes that promote physical activity and healthy food options in communities. 

In schools and early childhood centers
  • Encouraging walk-to-school and bike-to-school programs.
  • Supporting quality physical education.
  • Increasing healthy food options.

In homes
  • Promoting breastfeeding.
  • Encouraging families to participate in physical activities together.
  • Encouraging families to limit screen time.

In the workplace
  • Encouraging stairs.
  • Encouraging walking clubs or walking meetings.
  • Increasing healthy food options in vending machines and cafeterias.

For all their residents
  • Increasing access to walking trails.
  • Allowing the community to use school facilities outside of school hours for physical activity.
  • Building roads that are safe for all types of transportation to share.
  • Working with real estate developers to increase pedestrian-friendly developments.
  • Increasing access to farmers’ markets.
  • Planting community gardens.
  • Promoting community messaging about healthy eating, physical activity, and risks of obesity.

Source: Journal of Community Health, 2016. http://bit.ly/2fwJhWL

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